tuque /tūk/ n Canadian English, var. toque [19th c. Canadian French, from the French toque, from the Basque tauka] 1 A close-fitting knitted cap, often with a long tapering end or tassel or pompom. 2 fig Something quintessentially Canadian.
souq /sūk/ n from the Arabic سوق var. souk 1 An open-air marketplace. 2 fig A central meeting place for the circulation of news and ideas.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Theory: Necessity is the mother of invention.
Corollary: An empty belly is the mother of all necessity.
Ergo: A rumbling tummy is the, er, grandmother of invention.

The other day my partner Ashley made a hearty, spicy dhal (split-lentil soup/sauce) for lunch. After spending the afternoon in the fridge, by suppertime the leftovers had congealed almost to the consistency of mashed potatoes or mashed garbanzos, at which point--my tummy rumbling--I concocted the following:

Dhalafel (alt.sp. Dalafel)
1 batch leftover dhal, congealed (liquid drained), formed into balls approximately two inches in diameter;
1 small bunch fresh coriander (cilantro), finely chopped;
Whole wheat flour;
Vegetable (e.g. sunflower) oil;
Salt and pepper to taste;
New Lall's green chilli sauce to garnish.

Spread flour on a plate. Season dhalafel balls with salt, pepper and coriander, then roll in the flour. (If using just a little oil in a wok, as I did, then flatten the balls a bit so they cook better; if deep frying, never mind.) Fry dhalafel balls in hot oil until golden and crispy on all sides (yet still deliciously mashy on the inside).

Serve on a platter, garnished with chopped coriander and green chilli sauce.

Option: make dhalafel sandwiches in roti, with fresh sliced tomato and onion, and a dash of fresh-squeezed lime juice.

Got other ideas for the mighty dhalafel, let me know.


Anonymous said...


ashramblings said...

How about dhalballs in tomato sauce?